Jeremy speech

How dare you! 


This is what 16 year old Greta Thunberg said to all the adults at the UN climate action summit in 2019.



Because the adults of the world are not doing anything to stop climate change – in fact, she thinks they’re making it worse. 


Want to know who can save the planet…YOU CAN!!


I am Jeremy and I am going to teach you how kids like you and me can help stop climate change…

So let’s get started!


Change your diet

You think farts are funny, turns out they are not. Cow farts are toxic. In fact, raising cows, pigs and chickens emit as much greenhouse gases (the stuff that causes climate change -no don’t start thinking of gardens in glass) as all vehicles combined. Making room for these animals has led to clear cutting millions of square kilometers of forests.


What can you do about this? Change your diet, eat less meat! Eat plant based food a couple times a week and you are helping save the planet and your health. 


Conserve energy

Did you know that bikes don’t have tailpipes belching climate changing fumes! So get on a bike, ditch the car. And tell your parents and friends to do the same.


How many times have your parents asked you to “pick up your clothes” or “wash the dishes”? Maybe it is time for you to start challenging them on their choices… “Mum, turn off the engine while waiting for me at school” or “Dad, do you really need that plastic shopping bag?” Here are more ways that you can convince those around you to save energy. Ask them to close doors, turn off lights, turn off their electronics, and take short showers. 


Lead by example and encourage others to follow along. 


Take action

Do you know how a 15 year old kid got the attention of the UN. She took action.


Greta Thunberg sat outside parliament in Sweden to raise awareness of climate change. Her actions led to more school strikes for climate change around the world.


If striking isn’t for you there is still lots you can do. Take to social media (if your parents let you) with posters, videos, or articles. Study science and consider a green career like a biologist or climate engineer. 


Your actions matter – they can be big or small. What matters is that you should JUST DO SOMETHING!!!



The world can be changed if every kid does their small part to help! I have shared with you ways that climate change can be stopped by making a few changes in your everyday life such as eating less meat, conserving energy and taking action. what does it all sum up to? KIDS HELPING THE PLANET!

You can do it!

thanks for listening!

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